The Redundant Ramblings of an Insane Mind

Okay, so I'm nuts. I think that everyone should know that up front. But I enjoy my insanity. I feel sorry for people that suffer from theirs. I'm an Irish Catholic Redhead. Picture that! hehehe. Anything else you want to know just ask!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Hump Day followed by Thirsty Thursday

Where do I start? Hump Day kinda sucked. Too much homework, not nearly enough time. I felt like I couldn't get it together all day. What's new?

I've been thinking a lot about the new apartment. I can't wait until July. The Gardens are gorgous. I guess there are starting to be some problems between Ang and her mom. They revolve around money and things that she hasn't felt ready to talk about yet.I wish that she would let me help her, but I understand the need to work though things yourself first.

The redeeming quality of Monday happened to be my intermural volleyball game/open gym. It was great! Kimmy, Brandon, some new chick, Corey and I kicked ass. I really think that if I didn't spend so much time on Wednesday taking care of myself then I'd fall straight into some sort of depression. It all starts with running right after work. 3 miles a day. But Wednesday are great because then I go directly to yoga for an hour where I relax and work the stress out of my muscles. Then it's VOLLEYBALL time. Ahhhhhh. And I get home just in time to watch Alias, do homework and go to bed.

Thursday wasn't really good either. Lost of homework. Shitty classes. etc. But they call it Thirsty Thursday for a reason. I got the hook up from Clint. Eric, Jake, and I started drinking at 8. Whiskey Sours, Pina Coladas, Mia Tias, Screwdrivers with a Twist, Shots of vodka and rum. hehehe. I was SOOOOO wasted! And then we went outside and smoked cigars. Yummmmmmmyyyyyy! Malorie, Angie, and Nick joined us at some point. I was bartender for the night, one of my favorite rolls. And I play it well!!! HEHE! Gottal love it!


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