The Redundant Ramblings of an Insane Mind

Okay, so I'm nuts. I think that everyone should know that up front. But I enjoy my insanity. I feel sorry for people that suffer from theirs. I'm an Irish Catholic Redhead. Picture that! hehehe. Anything else you want to know just ask!

Monday, June 27, 2005


Questions from Bob:

1. You have to choose between the love of your life and your dreams. Which do you choose and why?
I can't have both? .........(extended period of time)..........the love of my life. Love is a dream at this point for me. I look back at the people that I've thought I loved and realize that I never really did. Sad. I believe that love is worth giving up my dreams for because with love there are new dreams. But my dreams include love, so by choosing either/or I'm not, in truth, giving either up. When I meet the right person I'll be willing to give up my dreams if they ask. But a person that loves you shouldn't ask you to give up your dreams, should they?

2. If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
Probably ancient Scotland. Not medieval, but around there. I have a weakness for horseback riding and guys in it embracing my heritage... I wouldn't want to go back with everyone's little girls dream of being a princess, but an important clan member would be nice. But I don't think it'd live up to my expectations. It'd be harder than I expect it to be. I'd be more restricted as a female.....The clothes are cool and I love castles.....and the kilts (have I mentioned that yet?) I honestly think that my personality fits that time period better than it does right now.

3. If you were to look back on your life, when would be your "good ole days" and why?
The "good ole days" would have to be when I was a kid. The oblivious nature and endless curiosity weren't spoiled yet. I felt free then. I played in the rafters of barns and spent my summers at crooked lake playing in the lake and walking the trails, everything was simple. It seems that with age the simple joys in life have been spoiled by a cynical mind.

4. You can change one thing about you. What do you choose to change?
My eyes. They're the feature that I love the most about myself, but I hate how people that truly know me can see through them. I can never fool my parents or Sherie or Dustin. Everything is there for the world to see, I've learned to hide most of it in the last year. (Sherie even remarked on how hard it was for her to read me this weekend.) At the right moments my soul is bear, I'd change that...

5. I am told I have my mother's eyes. What do you want your kids to get from you?
I want them to have the spirit that hides inside me. I want them to know the endless joy that comes from being free and living your dreams. But most of all I want them to have my capacity to love each person that comes into their life, should they choose to.

Weekend Recap:
The Bachelorette Party went well, in spite of the hotel be total dumb fucks.
Saturday was fun. Lunch with my cousin Matt and hanging out with Sherie and Steph.
Started packing on Sunday for my big move. Cross your fingers for the end of July.

Other Stuff:
I love Scott Adams because he writes Dilbert Cartoons/Comics
I'm too tired to work. Must sleep soon.
Hanging out with Scott tonight in Greenwood.

I have a really in depth post started, but it's not where I want it to be yet....we'll see what happens when I'm not this mentally fried.


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