The Redundant Ramblings of an Insane Mind

Okay, so I'm nuts. I think that everyone should know that up front. But I enjoy my insanity. I feel sorry for people that suffer from theirs. I'm an Irish Catholic Redhead. Picture that! hehehe. Anything else you want to know just ask!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Back home in Indiana.......

I loved Texas. I miss Texas. I'd give my left kidney to be back there. And I really do love my sister. Memmers. I swear, little sister syndrome and all that........

It is good to be back in Indiana, though. I took my parents and grandparents to Moggers in T.H. on Saturday. They loved it. We also attended mass at my mom's old church and drove past their old house, school, work....It was nice. I've never felt like Niagra Falls, NY was truely mom's home. She lived there until she was five and then they moved to T.H. until she was ten. I really felt a connection driving around and seeing where my mom grew up. It gave me the actual locations of so many pictures. Places that I've longed to see because their part of my mom. She's so amazing. Mom hadn't been back since they moved 40 years ago, it was weird to watch her remember things and listen to the stories they told.

I feel stronger in my bliefs lately. It's like I feel prepared to defend the principles that I stand for. I like that.

I move soon. I'm really apprehensive. More on that later. I can only think about one stressful event at a time and that one has to wait until after SMJ/GFC wedding on Saturday.

I've realized that I don't think that XYZ is the person I initially thought he was. This isn't good or bad. Just different. Haven't really thought about that in depth. Maybe I'm just seeing the shell and not looking for anything deeper anymore, but I don't know. He seems more closed, more standoffish, I guess. I think that I was looking for something that I wanted to find and not looking for what was really there. You'd be surprised how often I do that. I could be wrong. It could actually be there, but somehow I doubt that if it is there I'll be allowed to see it. It's hard to work past the defense mechanisms of others without letting your own sheilds down. We'll see.

Texas gave me perspective. In a lot of areas of my life. I like that.

Interesting quote:

"Why alone?"
"Alone is good. Alone is safe. Alone assures that you won't ever be hurt again."

I'd like to point out the word AGAIN. And how this is obviously by a person that has been hurt deeply and never wants to feel that way again.

Watched Kinsey last night. Interesting. It made me think about the concept of normality a lot. And how you can be too devoted to your work. I recommend it. I own it. Let me know if you want to borrow it. Not a must see, but if you're in a thinking mood........ Also, it's very liberal with it's use of sex as a topic.

I think that's all. I have to go shopping for work tonight. Go me.

Tuition sucks. 19 credit hours suck. I'm going to become a stripper. Make more money that way. Then again........maybe not.

I'm impatient with people.

I need to buy a desk and a bed and new speaker wire.

I think I'm working at the Brickyard 400. And GenCon...maybe. Depends on when classes start. But it'd be really fun. I like the guys that I worked the Star Wars Convention with from GenCon....I just dunno. We'll think about it. But it's free admission into it for the weekend.....Yikes. I could get into a lot of trouble.

My brain is on overload. My hair is long. I'm chopping it all off soon. It'll be really short. Or I could just do layers. I'm taking opinions on this. Okay time to go. I must work.....


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